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英国阿伯丁大学长骋教授Jeff Pan来我院做学术报告
时间:2018-12-24 作者:

2018年12月24日上午,英国阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen,简称AU)长骋教授Jeff Pan 应邀来我院开展学术交流,并在山西大学计数楼三层大报告厅分别做了题为《Constructing and Reasoning with Open Knowledge Graphs》的学术报告,山西大学计算机与信息技术学院李茹教授主持了报告会,参加报告会的还有本院相关方向的教师、研究生和部分本科生。


Jeff Pan教授结合具体工程项目分析了目前知识图谱的研究进展,深入浅出的讲解获得大家的热烈掌声。报告会之后的互动环节,Jeff Pan教授针对提出的问题进行了形象生动的解答。本次报告会使大家进一步了解到知识图谱及推理方面的应用,极大地开阔了全院师生的学术视野。



Jeff Pan is a full Professor in the University of Aberdeen. His research focuses primarily on knowledge representation, artificial intelligence and data science, in particular knowledge graph construction and maintenance, large-scale ontology reasoning, stream reasoning, and combinations ontology reasoning with machine learning, as well as their applications. He is a key contributor of the W3C OWL (Web Ontology Language) standard. He leads the development of the award-wining TrOWL reasoner, the only ontology reasoner that Oracle Spatial and Graph (from v12) uses via the OWL-DBC database connection. He is an internationally leading expert on Knowledge Graph, being the Chief Editor of the first two books on Knowledge Graph, a new technology that is widely used by world leading IT companies. As the Chief Scientist and Coordinator of the EU Marie-Curie K-Drive project, he coordinated 22 Marie Curie Fellows on Knowledge Graph and Ontology research. He is an Associate Editor of the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), and an Area Editor of the Journal of Web Semantics (JWS). He actively teams up with industrial collaborators on innovative research. For example, he works with IBM Research on knowledge graph learning and reasoning for cognitive computing systems; he works with Accenture Lab on reasoning enabled learning for e.g. flight delay forecasting, air quality forecasting and bus delay forecasting.