- 张鹏
- 最终学位:博士
- 电子邮箱:pengzhang@sxu.edu.cn
- 导师类型:硕士生导师
- 联系电话:0351-7010566
- 所在院所:计算机与信息技术学院
- 研究方向:计算光学成像、医学图像处理、人工智能
- 个人简介
- 发表论文
- 科研项目
张鹏,博士,校聘副研究员,硕士生导师。2023年博士毕业于北京航空航天大学,聚焦于荧光分子断层成像的三维重建算法及医学影像人工智能分析方法研究。近年来,以第一作者和主要作者在《IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging》、《IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging》、《IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence》、《Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine》、《Computers in Biology and Medicine》、《Physics in Medicine & Biology》、《Biomedical Optics Express》、《Journal of Biomedical Optics》、《Biomedical Signal Processing and Control》等医学图像领域顶刊及计算机国际权威期刊上累计发表30余篇SCI论文,谷歌总引用率为413,h指数为11,i10指数为13。专利软著方面,申请国家发明专利6项。在项目方面,主持教育厅高校创新项目,参与科技部重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等项目。现任IEEE member、中国计算机学会会员、中国生物医学工程学会会员、中国图象图形学会会员、中国光学工程学会会员、中国体视学会会员。担任IEEE-TMI、IEEE-TIP、CVPR、CMPB、CBM、PMB、BOE、JBO、《计算机科学》等国际权威期刊和会议审稿人。
曾独立主持1项山西省创新创业项目,1项北航博士研究生卓越学术基金。曾获得过2项国家级团体竞赛奖项(1项全国二等奖《“兆易创新杯”第十四届中国研究生电子设计竞赛》,1项全国三等奖《第十六届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛》);3项省部级团体竞赛奖项(1项金奖《第五届山西省“互联网+” 大学生创新创业大赛》,1项特等奖《山西省第十六届“兴晋挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛》,1项一等奖《“兆易创新杯”第十四届中国研究生电子设计竞赛华北分赛区》)。曾获得2023年北京市优秀毕业生,北京航空航天大学“十佳研究生”(全校仅10名,北航授予在读研究生最高学术荣誉),国家奖学金、北京航空航天大学优秀学术创新成果、“科创之星”、北航优秀研究生、北航三好学生、“清华、北航、北理”三校联合论坛“最佳报告”称号等多项荣誉。
[1] Peng Zhang, Guangda Fan, Tongtong Xing, Fan Song, Guanglei Zhang, "UHR-DeepFMT: Ultra-high spatial resolution reconstruction of fluorescence molecular tomography based on 3D fusion dual-sampling deep neural network", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2021, 40(11): 3217-3228
[2] Peng Zhang, Chenbin Ma, Fan Song, Zeyu Liu, Huijie Wu, Youdan Feng, Yufang He, Daifa Wang, Guanglei Zhang, "SVRNet: First Investigation of Single-view Reconstruction Network for Fluorescence Molecular Tomography, "IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2023, 9: 834-845
[3] Peng Zhang, Chenbin Ma, Yangyang Sun, Guangda Fan, Fan Song, Youdan Feng, Guanglei Zhang, "Global hybrid multi-scale convolutional network for accurate and robust detection of atrial fibrillation using single-lead ECG recordings, "Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021, 139: 104880
[4] Peng Zhang, Chenbin Ma, Fan Song, Yangyang Sun, Youdan Feng, Yufang He, Tianyi Zhang, Guanglei Zhang, "D2-RecST: Dual-domain Joint Reconstruction Strategy for Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Based on Image Domain and Perception Domain, "Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2022: 107293
[5] Peng Zhang, Chenbin Ma, Fan Song, Yangyang Sun, Guangda Fan, Tianyi Zhang, Youdan Feng, Yufang He, Guanglei Zhang, "Multi-branch attention prior based parameterized generative adversarial network for fast and accurate limited-projection reconstruction in fluorescence molecular tomography, "Biomedical Optics Express, 2022, 13(10): 5327-5343
[6] Peng Zhang, Zhiguo Gui, Guodong Guo, Yu Shang, "Approaches to denoise the diffuse optical signals for tissue blood flow measurement, "Biomedical Optics Express, 9, 6170-6185, 2018
[7] Peng Zhang, Chenbin Ma, Fan Song, Guangda Fan, Yangyang Sun, Youdan Feng, Xibo Ma, Fei Liu, Guang Zhang, "A review of advances in imaging methodology in fluorescence molecular tomography, "Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2022, 67(10): 10TR01
[8] Peng Zhang, Fan Song, Chenbin Ma, Zeyu Liu, Yangyang Sun, Youdan Feng, Yufang He, Guanglei Zhang, "Robust reconstruction of fluorescence molecular tomography based on adaptive adversarial learning strategy", Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2023
[9] Peng Zhang, Chenbin Ma, Fan Song, Yangyang Sun, Youdan Feng, Yufang He, Tianyi Zhang, Guanglei Zhang, "A Dual-Domain Attention Cascade Network for Accurate and Interpretable Atrial Fibrillation Detection, "Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, 82: 104615
[10] Peng Zhang, Fan Song, Chenbin Ma, Zeyu Liu, Guanglei Zhang, "Multi-attention prior based residual encoder-decoder network for fluorescence molecular tomography", Third International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICCSCT 2022). SPIE, 2022, 12506: 852-857
[11] Peng Zhang, Zhiguo Gui, Hao Ling, Xiaojuan Zhang, Caicai Liu, Yu Shang, "Signal Processing for Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy with Recurrent Neural Network of Deep Learning, "2019 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService), Newark, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 328-332
[12] Peng Zhang, Zhiguo Gui, Hao Ling, Jiaxin Liu, Xiaojian Zhang, Yiming Liu, Andi Li, Yu Shang, "Signal Processing for Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy with Support Vector Regression, "The Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing and Imaging, 2018. ICSI 2018. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 606. Springer, Cham
[13] Fei Liu#, Peng Zhang#(共一) Zeyu Liu, Fan Song, Chenbin Ma, Yangyang Sun, Youdan Feng, Yufang He, Guanglei Zhang, "In vivo detection of the liver tumor with pharmacokinetic parametric images from dynamic fluorescence molecular tomography, "Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2022, 27(7): 070501
[14] Xiangyu Zhao, Peng Zhang, Fan Song, Chenbin Ma, Guangda Fan, Yangyang Sun, Youdan Feng, Guanglei Zhang, "Prior Attention Network for Multi-Lesion Segmentation in Medical Images, "IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2022, 41(12): 3812-3823
[15] Chenbin Ma, Peng Zhang, Fan Song, Zeyu Liu, Youdan Feng, Yufang He, Guanglei Zhang, "UPR-BP: Unsupervised Photoplethysmography Representation Learning for Noninvasive Blood Pressure Estimation, "IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024, in press
[1] 山西省高校科技创新项目(2024L002): 超分辨率荧光断层成像三维重建方法研究, 主持人, 2024.09-2026.08, 在研
[2] 北京航空航天大学博士研究生卓越学术基金: 基于深度学习的荧光分子断层成像三维重建方法研究, 主持人, 2022.5-2023.5, 已结题
[3] 山西省研究生教育创新项目: 近红外漫射光血流测量的N阶线性算法的去噪方法研究, 主持人, 2018.9-2019.6, 已结题
[4] 国家自然科学基金(面上项目), 面向肺癌PD-L1分子三维可视化的超分辨率荧光分子断层成像方法研究, 参与人, 2023/01-2026/12
[5] 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0101600), 结合形态学影像的近红外漫射光血流断层成像(DCS/DCT)系统, 参与人, 2016/07-2018/12